作为南方热情好客的中心,澳门线上赌场网址是一个地方 you’ll feel right at home within minutes of your arrival.
在唐斯布拉夫公园扎营,在三条主要河流的汇合处划独木舟, 在水中钓鱼,在数千英亩的森林中狩猎和观赏鸟类和野生动物 forest, taste the freshness of local
田间种植的菜肴,并购买古董和家乡提供的独一无二的商品 entrepreneurs. 无论你在杰夫·戴维斯县做什么,我们都会让你有宾至如归的感觉.
Outdoor Recreation
澳门线上赌场网址是各种户外娱乐活动的著名目的地. 被大自然保护协会指定为75个“世界上最后的伟大地方”之一, 阿尔塔马哈河拥有充满野生动物、鸟类和植物的生态系统 fauna not seen anywhere else in Georgia.
猎人在布拉德溪野生动物公园享受白尾鹿、火鸡和猎鸟 管理区,当自然爱好者和摄影师欣赏秃头鹰时, 燕尾鸢、红冠啄木鸟和其他鸟类. Fishermen catch a variety of fish here, including bass, bream, and catfish.
Near where the Oconee and Ocmulgee rivers converge to 从阿尔塔马哈河,这个公园提供房车和原始露营,以及 two yurts and two camper trailers available for rent.
5 Riverwood Trail
Hazlehurst, GA 31539
(912) 379-9303
Bullard Creek WMA provides an array of activities 从打猎到骑马,从射箭到钓鱼. All you need is a 乔治亚州狩猎许可证、钓鱼许可证或土地通行证 online.
500 Uvalda Landing Rd.
Hazlehurst, GA 31539
(706) 557-3355
The city-owned 9-hole Hazlehurst Municipal Golf 球场,也被称为扭松高尔夫球场,是一个公共球场,开放一年 一轮,从最长的发球台开始,打出3636码的高尔夫球,标准杆36杆. The 该球场仍然是该地区维护最完好、最受尊敬的球场之一. 客人会发现一个练习场,出租俱乐部,和出租车随时可用. 这个球场的球道又长又有挑战性,打球的费用是可以承受的,而且 starts at $15 for nine holes.
274 Uvalda Hwy.
Hazlehurst, GA 31539
(912) 375-6697
Alfred B. Roberts, Sr. Recreation Complex Hazlehurst Water World Splash Pad
Highway 341, next to the library
Hazlehurst, GA 31539
Buddy Spann Park
Plum St. & Pine St.
Hazlehurst, GA 31539
Mary Frazier McLean Community Park
102 Young St.
Hazlehurst, GA 31539
(912) 375-6680
Weatherly Community Park
Cromartie St. at Davis St.
Hazlehurst, GA 31539
(912) 375-6680
Hazlehurst and Jeff Davis County have our fair share of 历史悠久的南方建筑(以及与之相关的故事)!) and artistic opportunities. 黑兹尔赫斯特的早期起源是19世纪70年代的一个铁路城镇.
The Big House
这座房子建于20世纪初,曾经是一座私人住宅 home, a boarding house, a restaurant, and a floral shop. The beautiful Edwardian mansion was built by Minnie and J.H. Moore for about $50,000. The chandeliers in 门厅和客厅是原有固定装置的一部分,足部浴缸也是如此 repurposed into a sink in an upstairs bathroom. The house originally was near 现在的341号高速公路在现址以南350英尺处.
该建筑于2004年由澳门线上赌场网址购买并翻新. The Big 房子现在是一个社区中心,举办婚礼、家庭聚会、节日, and other events. 此外,该设施还设有委员会的办公室 旅游,商会和联合发展局.
25 E. Coffee St.
Hazlehurst, GA 31539
(912) 209-8805
Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis Historical Society Museum
哈兹赫斯特-杰夫·戴维斯博物馆坐落在佩斯大厦,这是一座山墙井 村舍式的房子建于1900年,由该镇最初的七位市议员之一建造. 这座房子被Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis县历史博物馆收购 并于2003年被列入国家史迹名录.
61 E. Coffee St.
Hazlehurst, GA 31539
(912) 307-5080
Jeff Davis County Courthouse
这座法院建于1905年,造价不到2.5万美元,是乔治亚州第一座法院 built of concrete blocks with a stucco finish. In 1994, the courthouse was renovated to accommodate our growing community's needs. The outer shell walls of the original courthouse remain as a testament to the past. The courthouse is one 澳门线上赌场网址仅有的两处地标被列入国家建筑名录 Historic Places.
100 Jeff Davis St.
Hazlehurst GA 31539
(912) 375-6630
Jeff Davis Veterans Memorial
peace. 杰夫戴维斯退伍军人协会已经建立了一个传统的花圈
laying ceremony each Veterans Day and Thanksgiving Day.
Marker is on S. Tallahassee St (U.S. 221, U.S. 23 South) near Jeff Davis Street,
on the northwest grounds of the courthouse.
Towns Bluff RV Park and Heritage Center
遗产中心的一个博物馆展览讲述了三河地区的故事 从印第安人居住在沿着水道的时代开始 days of logs rafting, agriculture, and turpentine stills.
5 Riverwood Trail
Hazlehurst, GA 31539
(912) 379-9303
Snipesville New Year’s Day Parade
斯奈普斯维尔社区在每年的1月11日举办新年庆祝活动. 1 with a parade and traditional lunch menu.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade
Celebrating the accomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the 游行的特点是花车、游行乐队、教堂团体等等. Sponsored by the Community League, Inc.
Peaches to Beaches Annual Yard Sale
沿着黄金岛高速公路(341号高速公路)200英里,这一年 庭院甩卖吸引了从巴恩斯维尔到不伦瑞克的数千名摊贩和购物者, with Hazlehurst at the midpoint. Official sites in Hazlehurst host around 100 vendors. (912) 375-4543
Community Easter Egg Hunt
(复活节周末前的星期六)由商会主办, 当地的企业和组织赞助奖品鸡蛋和更大的奖品. There are 成千上万的复活节彩蛋要去寻找,复活节兔子也会来拜访. (912) 209-8805
Memorial Day Ceremony and Remembrance
澳门线上赌场网址退伍军人协会举办一年一度的阵亡将士纪念日 在退伍军人广场举行纪念仪式,纪念失去生命的退伍军人 in defense of America’s freedoms. The event includes music, patriotic events, and more.
Veterans Day Memorial Service and Parade
澳门线上赌场网址暂停向那些为我们服务的人致敬 great nation in both peacetime and wartime. Sponsored by the Jeff Davis Veterans Association.
Christmas Parade
圣诞老人和他的精灵们沿着夜间的游行路线忙碌着 with lighted floats, bands, live animals, and much more. Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. (912) 209-8805
Breakfast with Santa
孩子们和他们的父母会喜欢和圣. Nick. (912) 209-8805